Review Date: Wed Apr 10 2024 21:26:44 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
This product was tested using the Trusted Tester Section 508 Conformance Test method: Trusted Tester v.5.1.1.The A11y Audit scans the product and outlines any A11y issues found.
A TTAD manually evaluates a sampling of pages to confirm the results are accurate and no further testing is needed.
The responsibility for complete testing and compliance remains with the owner of the product.
Product Information
Product Name: Grandview Estates Rural Water Conservation District
Product Version: V1.0
Product Owner/Vendor: GERWCD
Product Type: Custom-developed web page
Product Description: Grandview Estates Rural Water Conservation District
Tester's Information
Tester's First Name: Heather
Tester's Last Name: Welsh
Trusted Tester ID: TT-2311-03604
Company Name: Kaffeianted Kodemonkey
Tester's Email:
Test Environment Information
Browser Version:
Operating System: Linux POP!_OS
Testing Method: Trusted Tester
Testing Method Version: v.5.1.1
Notes: A manual evaluation was conducted per WCAG 2.2 Requirements.
Terms used in the Conformance Level
- Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
- Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
- Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
- Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can only be used in WCAG 2.x Level AAA.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Report
Conformance Level | Standard/Guideline | Remarks and Explanations | |
1.1.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
1.2.1 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 1.2.1-audio-transcript-text. there is no pre-recorded video-only content. |
1.2.2 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 1.2.2-captions-equivalent. there is no media player within the site |
1.2.4 | Does Not Apply | Level AA | 1.2.4-captions-live-equivalent. there is no media player within the site |
1.2.5 | Does Not Apply | Level AA | 1.2.5-audio-description-equivalent. there is no media player within the site |
1.3.1 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 1.3.1-layout-table-structure. there are no layout tables in the site |
1.3.1 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 1.3.1-table-identification. there are no data tables in the site |
1.3.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
1.3.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
1.3.3 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 1.3.3-sensory-info. The site does not rely on sensory information. |
1.4.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
1.4.2 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 1.4.2-Audio-control. there is no audio content that plays automatically for more than 3 seconds. |
1.4.3 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
1.4.4 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
1.4.5 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
2.1.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.1.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.2.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.2.2 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 2.2.2-Blinking-moving-scrolling. there is no moving, blinking, or scrolling content |
2.3.1 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 2.3.1-flashing. There is no flash content |
2.4.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.4.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.4.3 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.4.4 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
2.4.5 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
2.4.6 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
2.4.7 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
3.1.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
3.1.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
3.2.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
3.2.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
3.2.3 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
3.2.4 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
3.3.1 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
3.3.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
3.3.3 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
3.3.4 | Supports | Level AA | Not Required |
4.1.1 | Not Evaluated | Level A | Not yet tested |
4.1.2 | Does Not Apply | Level A | 4.1.2-change-notify-auto. the page content does not update or change automatically. |
4.1.2 | Supports | Level A | Not Required |
503.4 | Does Not Apply | 503.4-caption-controls. there is no media player within the site | |
503.4.1 | Does Not Apply | 503.4-description-controls. there is no media player within the site | |
503.4.2 | Does Not Apply | 503.4.1-caption-control. there is no media player within the site | |
Requirements | Does Not Apply | Alt-version-conformant . there is only one version of the content |
Test Results
Test Name | Test ID | Test Condition | Criteria ID | Test Result | Tester Comments | Location/Screen | Global Issue | Remediation Details |
Alt-version-conformant | 1.A | The identified version passes all applicable Test Conditions in this test process. | Requirements | Does Not Apply | there is only one version of the content | NA | None | Not Required |
Alt-version-equivalent | 1.B | The identified version is up-to-date with the same information and functionality. | Requirements | Does Not Apply | Per test 1.A | NA | None | Not Required |
Alt-version-access | 1.C | The mechanism to reach the accessible equivalent version from the non-conforming page is accessible. | Requirements | Does Not Apply | Per test 1.A | NA | None | Not Required |
Non-interference | 1.D | Content in the non-conforming version(s) meets Conformance Requirement 5. | Requirements | Does Not Apply | Per test 1.A | NA | None | Not Required |
1.4.2-Audio-control | 2.A | The user can pause, stop, or control the volume of audio content that plays automatically. | 1.4.2 | Does Not Apply | there is no audio content that plays automatically for more than 3 seconds. | NA | None | Not Required |
2.2.2-Blinking-moving-scrolling | 2.B | The user can pause, stop, or hide moving, blinking, or scrolling content. | 2.2.2 | Does Not Apply | there is no moving, blinking, or scrolling content | NA | None | Not Required |
2.2.2-Auto-updating | 2.C | The user can pause, stop, hide, or control the frequency of automatically updating content. | 2.2.2 | Does Not Apply | there is no auto-updating content or the auto-updating content is the only content in the site | NA | None | Not Required |
4.1.2-change-notify-auto | 2.D | The page provides notification of each automatic update/change in content. | 4.1.2 | Does Not Apply | the page content does not update or change automatically. | NA | None | Not Required |
2.3.1-flashing | 3.A | If NO flashing content is found, then this Test Condition DOES NOT APPLY (DNA). If flashing content IS found, then this test should be recorded as NOT TESTED. | 2.3.1 | Does Not Apply | There is no flash content | NA | None | Not Required |
2.1.1-keyboard-access | 4.A | All functionality can be accessed and executed using only the keyboard. | 2.1.1 | Pass | All functionality can be accessed and executed using the keyboard, and all essential information can be accessed via keyboard interaction or the information is available elsewhere on the page. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.1.1-no-keystroke-timing | 4.B | Individual keystrokes do not require specific timings for activation of functionality. | 2.1.1 | Pass | A keyboard method is provided for functionality to be activated without requiring users to perform specific timings for activation. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.1.2-no-keyboard-trap | 4.C | There is no keyboard trap. | 2.1.2 | Pass | Keyboard focus can be moved away from an element and keyboard focus can be moved away from each section of the page containing elements (and are not trapped in a “loop”, preventing access to other elements on the page) | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.7-focus-visible | 4.D | A visible indication of focus is provided when focus is on the interface component. | 2.4.7 | Pass | When each interface element receives focus, there is a visible indication of focus. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
3.2.1-on-focus | 4.E | When an interface component receives focus, it does not initiate an unexpected change of context. | 3.2.1 | Pass | An unexpected change of context is not initiated when an interface component receives focus. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.3-focus-order-meaning | 4.F | The focus order preserves the meaning and operability of the web page. | 2.4.3 | Pass | The focus order preserves the meaning of the page, and the focus order preserves the operability of the page. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
3.3.2-label-provided | 5.A | Visual labels or instructions are provided for form elements. | 3.3.2 | Pass | Visual labels or instructions are provided for each form element. | | No | Not Required |
2.4.6-label-descriptive | 5.B | Each visual form label is sufficiently descriptive. | 2.4.6 | Pass | Each visual form label is sufficiently clear and descriptive, so users know what input data is expected, and each visual button label is sufficiently clear and descriptive, so users know its function. | | No | Not Required |
1.3.1-programmatic-label | 5.C | The combination of the accessible name, accessible description, and other programmatic associations (e.g., table column and/or row associations) describes each input field and includes all relevant instructions and cues (textual and graphical). | 1.1.1 | Pass | The combination of the accessible name, accessible description, and other programmatic associations describes each input field and includes all relevant instructions and cues | | No | Not Required |
3.2.2-on-input | 5.D | Changing field values/selections (e.g., entering data in a text field, changing a radio button section) does NOT initiate and unexpected change of context. | 3.2.2 | Pass | Changing the value of a form element does not initiate an unexpected context change. | | No | Not Required |
4.1.2-change-notify-form | 5.E | The page provides notification of each form-related change in content. | 4.1.2 | Pass | The page notifies the user about a change via a keyboard-accessible dialog, | | No | Not Required |
3.3.1-error-identification | 5.F | The item in error is identified in text and sufficiently described to the user in text. | 3.3.1 | Pass | The item that is in error is identified in text and sufficiently described to the user in text. | | No | Not Required |
3.3.3-error-suggestion | 5.G | Guidance (e.g., suggestion for corrected input) is provided about how to correct errors for form fields. | 3.3.3 | Pass | Suggestions for corrected input are provided | | No | Not Required |
3.3.4-error-prevention | 5.H | The web page allows the user to check, reverse, and/or confirm submission. | 3.3.4 | Pass | The page checks data for input errors and allows the user an opportunity to correct any errors. | | No | Not Required |
2.4.4-link-purpose | 6.A | The purpose of each link can be determined from any combination of the link text, accessible name, accessible description, and/or programmatically determined link context. | 2.4.4 | Pass | The combination of the programmatically determined link context and the provided adequate description of the link’s purpose. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
4.1.2-change-notify-links | 6. B | The page provides notification of each change in content that is the result of interaction with a link. | 4.1.2 | Pass | The user’s action directly results in the change in content, AND the interface component that triggered the change provided sufficient description about the change event | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.1.1-meaningful-image-name | 7.A | The accessible name and accessible description for a meaningful image provides an equivalent description of the image. | 1.1.1 | Pass | equivalent description for the meaningful image and/or refers to a description in the page content. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.1.1-decorative-image | 7.B | There is no accessible name and accessible description for a decorative image. | 1.1.1 | Pass | All decorative images have an alt tag | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.1.1-decorative-background-image | 7.C | The background image is not the only means used to convey important information. | 1.1.1 | Pass | The background image is decorative, or the meaning of the background image is also available without the background image. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.1.1-captcha-alternative | 7. D | Alternative forms of CAPTCHA are provided. | 1.1.1 | Pass | The CAPTCHA has a format for users without vision, and/or hearing. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.4.5-image-of-text | 7.E | The image of text cannot be replaced by text or is customizable. | 1.4.5 | Pass | The image of text cannot be replaced with text | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.2.1-timing-adjustable | 8.A | The user can turn off, adjust, or extend the time limit. | 2.2.1 | Pass | there is no time limit for content | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.1-bypass-function | 9.A | A keyboard-accessible method is provided to bypass repetitive content. | 2.4.1 | Pass | There is a keyboard-accessible method provided to bypass repetitive content, and when activated, the method works, and the block of content is bypassed. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
3.2.3-consistent- navigation | 9.B | Each navigational element occurs in the same relative order with regard to other repeated components on each web page where it appears. | 3.2.3 | Pass | Each repeated component occurs in the same relative order with regard to other repeated components on each web page where it appears. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
3.2.4-consistent-identification | 9.C | The accessible name and description is consistent for components that perform the same function. | 3.2.4 | Pass | Components with identical functionality are identified consistently | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.6-heading-purpose | 10.A | Each heading describes the topic or purpose of its content. | 2.4.6 | Pass | The heading describes the topic or purpose of its content. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.3.1-heading-determinable | 10.B | Each programmatically determinable heading is a visual heading and each visual heading is programmatically determinable. | 1.3.1 | Pass | Each programmatically determinable heading is serving as a visual heading on the page, and each visual heading is programmatically defined. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.3.1-heading-level | 10.C | Programmatic heading levels logically match the visual heading presentation within the heading structure. | 1.3.1 | Pass | Every programmatically identified heading level logically matches the visual heading structure on the page, and there is no heading level conflict. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.3.1-list-type | 10.D | All visually apparent lists are programmatically identified according to their type. | 1.3.1 | Does Not Apply | there are no visually apparent lists. | NA | None | Not Required |
3.1.1-page-language-defined | 11.A | The default human language of each web page can be programmatically determined. | 3.1.1 | Pass | The default primary language is correctly specified per IANA, and the identified language in the lang attribute correctly matches the default human language for the page. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
3.1.2-part-language-defined | 11.B | The human language for any content segment that differs from the default human language of the page can be programmatically determined. | 3.1.2 | Pass | The language for the content segment that differs from the primary default language of the page is correctly specified per IANA, and the identified language in the lang attribute correctly matches the human language for the content segment | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.2-page-title-defined | 12.A | A title element is defined for the web page. | 2.4.2 | Pass | A Page Title is defined for the web page. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.2-page-title-purpose | 12.B | The title element identifies the contents or purpose of the web page. | 2.4.2 | Pass | The Page Title accurately identifies the contents or purpose of the web page, and the web page is part of a set of web pages, the Page Title accurately distinguishes the web page from other pages in the web site. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
4.1.2-frame-title | 12.C | Each has a title attribute that describes its content. | 4.1.2 | Pass | All frames have a title attribute that describes its content. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
4.1.2-iframe-name | 12.D | The combination of accessible name and description for each | 4.1.2 | Pass | each iframe in the tab order sufficiently describes its content. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.4.1-color-meaning | 13.A | Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element. | 1.4.1 | Pass | When color is used to convey information, indicate an action, prompt a response or distinguish a visual element, another visual, onscreen method is used to convey the information which does not use color. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.3.3-sensory-info | 13.B | Instructions provided for understanding and operating content do not rely solely on sensory characteristics of components, such as shape, color, size, visual location, orientation, or sound. | 1.3.3 | Does Not Apply | The site does not rely not rely on sensory information. | NA | None | Not Required |
1.4.3-contrast | 13.C | The visual presentation of text and images of text have sufficient contrast. | 1.4.3 | Pass | The contrast between the text and its background is equal to or greater than the minimum required contrast ratio identified recommended by WCAG Contrast Ratio output, or the text is an image of text, the contrast between the image of text and its background is equal to or greater than 4.5:1 as identified by WCAG | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.3.1-table-identification | 14.A | Each data table has programmatic markup to identify it as a table. | 1.3.1 | Does Not Apply | there are no data tables in the site | NA | None | Not Required |
1.3.1-cell-header-association | 14.B | All data cells are programmatically associated with relevant headers. | 1.3.1 | Does Not Apply | there are no data tables in the site | NA | Yes | Not Required |
1.3.1-layout-table-structure | 14.C | The layout table DOES NOT designate the layout table using ARIA role= 'table' AND DOES NOT include table header structure and relationship elements and/or associated attributes. | 1.3.1 | Does Not Apply | there are no layout tables in the site | NA | None | Not Required |
1.3.2-content-order-meaning-css-position | 15.A | The reading order of the content (in context) is correct and the meaning of the content (in context) is preserved without CSS positioning. | 1.3.2 | Pass | The sequence and meaning of the content (in context) is understandable without CSS positioning. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
1.2.1-audio-transcript-text | 16.A | A text-based alternative is provided for audio-only content that provides an accurate and complete representation of the audio-only content. | 1.2.1 | Does Not Apply | there is no pre-recorded video-only content. | NA | None | Not Required |
1.2.1-video- alternative-equivalent | 16.B | The video-only content information is also available through an equivalent text or audio alternative. | 1.2.1 | Does Not Apply | there is no pre-recorded video-only content. | NA | None | Not Required |
1.2.2-captions-equivalent | 17.A | The synchronized media provides accurate captions for the audio content. | 1.2.2 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
1.2.5-audio-description-equivalent | 17.B | The synchronized media provides an equivalent soundtrack (combination of narration and audio descriptions) for the video content. | 1.2.5 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
1.2.4-captions-live-equivalent | 17.C | The live synchronized media provides accurate captions for the audio content. | 1.2.4 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
503.4-caption-controls | 17.D | The media player provides user controls for closed captions. | 503.4 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
503.4-description-controls | 17.E | The media player provides user controls for audio descriptions. | 503.4.1 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
503.4.1-caption-control | 17.F | User controls for captions are provided at the same menu level as the user controls for volume or program selection. | 503.4.2 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
503.4.2-description-control | 17.G | User controls for audio descriptions are provided at the same menu level as the user controls for program selection or volume. | 503.4.2 | Does Not Apply | there is no media player within the site | NA | None | Not Required |
1.4.4-resize-text | 18.A | There is a mechanism to resize, scale, or zoom in on the text to at least 200% of its original size without loss of content or functionality. | 1.4.4 | Pass | There is a non-AT-reliant mechanism that allows the user to resize text to at least 200% of its original size, and text is not clipped, truncated or obscured, and all functionality and content is available. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
2.4.5-multiple-ways | 19.A | There are two or more ways to locate a web page within a set of web pages. | 2.4.5 | Pass | At least two techniques exist to locate the web page within the site, and the techniques function correctly such that they lead to the correct web page. | Global | Yes | Not Required |
4.1.1-parsing | 20.A | This test should be recorded as NOT TESTED. | 4.1.1 | Not Tested | There is not test at this time | NA | None |
Disability Impact Score
The risk score is calculated by assigning one point to each disability type impacted by a failed Test ID. Disability groups with higher points have a higher risk of not being able to utilize the application. Projects should confer with the Certified Trusted Tester Accessibility Developer that performed the testing and their Component Section 508 Program Manager about remediating failed Test IDs before the application is released.
Risk Score: 0
Disability Group | Risk Score | Detailed Impacted Groups (with Score) |
Vision | 0 | Without Vision (0), With Limited Vision (0), Without Perception of Color (0) |
Hearing | 0 | Without Hearing (0), With Limited Hearing (0) |
Cognitive | 0 | With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities (0), Without Speech (0 ) |
Photosensitivity | 0 | Photosensitive Epilepsy / Photosensitive Seizure Disorders (0) |
Mobility | 0 | With Limited Manipulation (0) |